69 rue des Archives is the address of Etat Libre d'Orange. Archives 69 is the essence of Etat Libre d'Orange. This is a perfume designed to free the senses, to open the heart to all possibilities. It is an invitation to pleasure, a hymn to seduction. It was conceived without restrictions, rules or precepts. It's yours, wear it however you like. This is the scent of sensual liberation.
Composition: Mandarin, Pink pepper, Chilli leaves, Orchid, Plum, Incense, Camphor, Benzoin, Patchouli, Musk ...
Eau de Parfums 50ml
€ 95
Mandarino, Pepe rosa, foglie di Peperoncino, Orchidea, Prugna, Incenso, Canfora, Benzoino, Patchouly, Musk …