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Kirké a warm and sensual fragrance, capable of transporting the soul towards the beauty of the senses.

South of Rome there is an enchanted place, today a natural park, characterized by a breathtaking landscape. A place of memory with a thousand faces, nestled between huge sand dunes overlooking the sea and wild mountains, surrounded by opulent forests and woods. Walking along these ancient paths means immersing yourself in sinuous and echoing scents new reminders, such as the song of a siren or the melody that the sorceress Circe used to attract her victims, well told in the Odyssey of Ulysses. These persuasive scents are contained in Kirké, a sensual and warm fragrance, capable of transporting the soul towards the beauty of the senses.

A magical and sensual perfume like the earth and the sorceress who inspired it, characterized by a lush bouquet of sweet fruit, such as passion fruit, peach and pear mixed with skilful alchemy with raspberry and black currant. Persuasive like a caress given by lily of the valley and like a barefoot walk on the sand, warm thanks to the counterpoint of the unmistakable heliotrope and powerful with the strength of patchouli wood and musk.
This extract captivates those who know how to wear it, leading them through mysterious ways to discover the admirable wonder, in an acrobatic evolution of emotions and inspirations enclosed in a magical filter, able to leave behind an endless trail of mystery and sensuality.

Olfactory family: floral fruity

Top notes: passion fruit, peach & raspberry, black currant, pear, hot sand
Heart notes: lily of the valley
Base notes: heliotropin, sandalwood, vanilla, patchouli & musk


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SKU: 8016741072482
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  • Famiglia olfattiva: fruttata fiorita

    Note di testa: frutto della passione, pesca & lampone, ribes nero, pera, sabbia calda
    Note di cuore: mughetto
    Note di fondo: eliotropina, legno di sandalo, vaniglia, patchouli & muschio


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